We are considering other spirit filled Bands for nationwide venues, who are ready and have experience in sharing their music. The best scenario for SpiceRecordz are fully equipped Christian bands, which are skilled in the Word of God. Submissions sent by mail preferred. A Video showing large venue performance is a plus.

God is good, to them who live according to His purpose.

Sound cloud, Spotify and YouTube links are great. Submit a demo (and only one demo) that represents you and that you are proud of. Don’t send the same song twice (but keep on working on your music) include your website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube channel if you have one you are proud of. Write a short and concise letter why you want to be part of SpiceRecordz and how we can help. Your demo submission doesn’t need to be perfect. However, good recording quality is taken into consideration. We accept demos in all Christian genres, such as: Rock, Pop, Singer / Songwriter, Country, Metal, Hip-Hop, Rap, Latin, R&B & Soul. Original music, only, please. Please submit demo.

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